Be yourself.

Be yourself, your authentic self. There is no one to impress. There’s no one to compete with. There’s nothing to struggle for. Be yourself and allow others to see your true light.

There is no need to hide who you are, the beautiful, unique expression that you are. There is no need to fit in the status quo anymore. There is no obligation to be normal anymore. It is time for you to be the unique expression of source that you truly are. Therefore honor yourself where you are on your journey and know your success is guaranteed. It has been assured before you came.

The love of creation is always with you and around you, enveloping you at all times, in every way, and there is nothing required of you to do to earn it, for you are worthy of it, every inch, every drop. Take it in with pride, with joy, with celebration, with appreciation, for you were born to receive that love.

Be yourself, your authentic self, means be true to who you are, be true to what feels right in your heart, be true to what feels good to you. Don’t buy into the narratives that are outdated by now. Don’t buy into the old stories of separation that no longer ring true anymore. Neither are you separate from the earth nor any other being on that earth. Neither are you separate from source nor any other collective in the Higher realms. Neither are you separate from this universe nor any other species that lives in this universe.

Recognize you are one with everything you are one with everyone, and when you begin to bless this connection that exists beyond your physical ability to see it, you can then allow yourself to receive the benefit of that connection. Everything exists to support everything else in the evolution of everything, of this universe and everything in it. Everything exists to give and receive of itself. Everything exists for the benefit of all.

Be your authentic self and forget about fitting into a certain mold, for who you are is beyond any mold. Who you are is fluid, eternal, absolutely magnificent and magical. Allow yourself to be who you truly are by no longer playing the game of 3d, the game of separation, of us and them, of good and bad, of should and shouldn’t, and allow yourself to flow into whatever feels right for you in the moment.

You were born to feel good. You were born to receive. You were born to succeed. There’s no better time than now to decide that’s where you want to be and that’s your destiny.

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