One Team.

Remember, the Universe is one team. Just like you cannot go further than the slowest rower on a boat, for it is one team rowing, you cannot access further thoughts than the collective, the one Human family. So Thank God people are waking up and people are breaking the old patterns and people are asking, because of that, there is more available to tap into, more help coming.

It doesn’t matter if you are among the first or last, or somewhere in the middle, completing the journey is the goal. And now, more than ever it is possible, feasible, and many are doing it, giving you the opportunity to tap into what they know and received, in other words, rise to the consciousness they have realized, the truth they’ve realized, and break free from the old patterns of thought and beliefs.

And if the Human collective is one, the universal collective is one. It is all one big, giant team. It matters not if you are the slow rider, get inspired by those ahead. Even Ascended Masters are there to show you the way, to tell you that you can do it too. The whole Universe is saying you can do it.

Stop perceiving your reality with these broken glasses. Remove those glasses. Believe in the impossible and make it possible, for all things are possible. And how do you remove those glasses? Ask your heart how does it feel in the moment? Is your heart worried, concerned, or is it at peace, at one?

Your mind always comes up with stories. Your heart knows. It is the seat of your truth, of your being, your Inner God Self if you want.

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